
Showing posts from September, 2017

Tennessee church shooting halted by 'extraordinarily brave' usher

A masked gunman who entered a church near Nashville, Tennessee, was stopped mid-attack after killing one person and wounding several others. The suspect shot himself during a struggle with an usher from the church in Antioch, but survived his wound. The usher, who was struck in the face by the gun, fetched his own gun from his car and guarded the gunman until police arrived. Police said the usher acted in an "extraordinarily brave" way. One woman, named as 39-year-old Melanie Smith of Smyrna, was found dead in the car park near the suspect's car. Nashville Police said the suspected attacker at the Burnette Chapel Church of Christ was Emanuel Kidega Samson, 25, who was originally from Sudan. They added that the gunman shot himself in the chest "probably not intentionally" during the struggle with the usher, and that he has since been released from hospital. He will be charged with murder and attempted murder. "It would appear he was not exp

South Korea says natural North Korea earthquake detected

South Korea's weather agency said a magnitude 3.0 earthquake was detected in North Korea on Saturday around where the country recently conducted a nuclear test, but it assessed the quake as natural. The quake was detected in an area around Kilju, in northeastern North Korea, and about 20 kilometers (12 miles) southeast of where the North conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test on Sept. 3, according to an official from Seoul's Korea Meteorological Administration. China's official Xinhua News Agency said earlier that the country's seismic service detected a magnitude 3.4 quake in North Korea and saw the likely cause as an explosion. But the official from the South Korean agency said the analysis of seismic waves and the lack of sound waves clearly showed that the quake wasn't caused by an artificial explosion. She spoke on condition of anonymity, citing office rules. The U.S. Geological Survey said that it detected a magnitude 3.5 quake in the area

Marine Corps to have 1st female infantry officer

 The first time in its nearly 250-year history, the United States Marine Corps will have a female infantry officer after she graduates from an infantry officer course on Monday, a U.S. official confirmed. The Marine's completion of the course was first reported by The Washington Post. Her identity is not yet public. The Marine Corps Training and Education Command specified that "four female Marine officers have volunteered and attempted Infantry Officer Course" after ground combat specialties were opened to women in April 2016, but that the officer graduating Monday is the first to pass it. In 2015, then-Defense Secretary Ash Cartermade the decision to open all combat roles to women, ending a ban on their service on the front lines. At the time, the Marine Corps formally advised that women should continue to be prevented from working in combat units, despite recommendations from the Army, Navy, Air Force and U.S. Special OperationsCommand that they be permitted to

Mexican family mourns 11 dead after church falls at baptism

A child's baptism turned into tragedy when the roof of a church collapsed as a powerful earthquake shook central Mexico. Eleven members of a family died, including the 2-month-old girl being christened. The only survivors were the girl's father, the priest and the priest's assistant, the Archdiocese of Puebla said Wednesday. At least four minors were among the dead. "It was a scene of horror, sadness with most of the people inside the church dying," priest's assistant Lorenzo Sanchez told The Associated Press. Sanchez said those who survived moved to the edges of the church when the swaying started while those who died didn't have time to do so. "One of the things they taught us is to stick to the firm walls of our church, which is old and its structure a bit deteriorated," he said. When the ground stopped shaking, people called for help using loudspeakers and residents of nearby communities quickly arrived in Atzala with shovels, pickaxe

Trump opens U.N. comments with mention of Trump World Tower

President Donald Trump told the United Nations on Monday that he sees “great potential” in it and its reform effort, just as the real estate mogul said he saw in his Manhattan skyscraper, Trump World Tower, located across the street from the U.N. headquarters. Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., introduced the president at a session on reforming the United Nations at the U.N. General Assembly in New York with a nod to his success as a businessman. Story Continued Below “It is now my honor to introduce someone who is no stranger to change. Donald Trump has a businessman’s eye for seeing potential, and he sees great potential — not just in the reform movement but in the United Nations itself,” Haley said. “He shares your commitment to creating a more effective advocate for peace, security and human rights. We are deeply grateful he has taken the time to be with us today. Ladies and gentlemen, President Donald J. Trump.” Trump thanked Haley for the introduction and paused

More than 80 people arrested in St. Louis during 3rd night of protests

Dozens of people were arrested in St. Louis on Sunday, including a "rioter" who carried weapons and protective gear, which capped a third night of protests over a judge's decision to acquit a white former police officer in the 2011 shooting death of a black man, police said. More than 80 people were arrested on Sunday in connection with the protests, which police said were “no longer peaceful” as of late Saturday night, and five weapons were confiscated, according to the St. Louis Police Department. At least 32 people were arrested earlier in the weekend as demonstrators blocked highways, damaged property and threw rocks at the mayor's house and bricks at police officers, police said. “People setting out do damage are being arrested and these criminals we've arrested should be held accountable and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” St. Louis Interim Police Chief Lawrence O’Toole said in a early-morning briefing on Monday. “We're in control. This

Trump Retweets Animation of him hitting golf ball at Hillary

President Donald Trump on Sunday Retweet an animated GIF showing him hitting a golf ball at Hillary Clinton, knocking her to the ground as she boards a plane. The image was Amon several that president Retweeted on Sunday morning, in addition to a tweet mocking North Korean leader Kim Jong un as rocket man. Trump has tweeted controversial animati before notably a video of him punching a man who had the CNN logo superimposed on his face.

Police officer charged woth first degree murder in..

People march downtown in St. Louis on Sept. 15, 2017, after a not-guilty verdict was issued in the trial of Jason Stockley, a former police officer charged with first-degree murder in the 2011 shooting of Anthony Lamar Smith. Stockley, who is white, had insisted he saw Smith, a black man, holding a gun and felt he was in imminent danger, the Associated Press reports. Prosecutors said Stockley planted a gun in Smith's car after the shooting. The judge declared he would not be swayed by "partisan interests, public clamor or fear of criticism."

One in custody in connection to report shooter at hospital

A rhode island resident was taken into custody Tuesday in connection to report of an active shooter at new Hampshire's largest hospital, authorities said there has been no official confirmation that a shooting happened. Authorities confirmed that someone was taken into custody short before 3pm, following reports of an active shooter at Dartmouth Hiychcock medical center. The hospital was under lockdown and its wasn't clear of that was lifted. Rhode island police said the suspect car had Rhode island plate so police in new Hampshire reached out to the state fusion center, an information center undee rhe command of the state police that also involves representative from local state and federal agencies. The center helped identify the suspect as a Rhode island resident said Laura Meade Kirk a state police spokeswoman. The resident name wasn't immediately released. People were told to avoid the area around the hospital and traffic was stopped on route leading to the m

DOJ won't bring charges against officer in Gray Case

The U.S Department of Justice won't bring federal charges against 6 police officer involved in the arrest and in custody death of Freddie Gray, a young black man whose death touched off weeks of protests and unrest in Baltimore. The officers were charged by state prosecutor after Gray neck was broken in the back of police transport wagon in April of  2015. The 25 years old was handcuffed and  shackled at yje time but he was unrestrained by a seat belt. Three officer were acquitted at trial and Baltimore state attorney Maryilyn Mosby later dropped the remaining State cases. The gray attorney Billy Murphy said the Justice Department informed him on Tuesday that no federal charges would be filed. The decision means none of the officer will be held criminally responsible for gray death. 5 officer face internal disciplinary hearing schedule to being Oct 30. The sixth officer William Porter was not charged administratively. The Justice Department decision was first reported b

Family deman answers after teen found Dead in Hotel Freezer

Kenneka jenkins a 19 years old from Chicago, was found Dead in Hotel Freezer over the weekend. Now her family is pressing for answers as authorities investigation her death. Jenkins body was fou inside a walk in freezer at the crowne plaza hotel in Risemont around 12:30 on Sunday. CBS CHICAGO REPORTS. Her family said went to a party at the hotel with friends late Friday night, but then went missing. They said her friends called around 12am on Saturday morning to say they couldn't find her l, but her cellphone abd truck keys. Tereasa Martin, the teens mother said she tried to get hotel staff to search surveillance video for her missing daughter, but they said tjey needed a missing persons report. She says police told her to wait a few hours to see if her daughter turned up. Some hours later they filed the police report. After an 11 hours search l, hotek staff founf Jenkins dead in freezer after police contacted management about missing persons report. The family Said inv

As Irma weakens, officials urge patience for evacuees eager to return home

Irma left a trail of devastation throughout the Southeast, killing at least five people in the US, flooding major cities including Jacksonville, Florida, and Charleston, South Carolina, and leaving millions without power. On Monday night, Irma was downgraded from a tropical storm to a tropical depression as the storm lumbered 95 miles south-southwest of Atlanta, Georgia. Irma is expected to turn toward Alabama and then into western Tennessee. Irma, which stretched 650 miles from east to west, affected at least nine states, turning streets into rivers, ripping down power lines, uprooting trees and cutting off coastal communities. Jacksonville grappled with a record storm surge on Monday, prompting the Coast Guard to deploy boats to rescue residents. Meanwhile, evacuees in Florida were anxious to return and see how their homes weathered the storm.But officials urged patience. "Check with local officials before returning home to make sure you can safely do so," said G