Trump opens U.N. comments with mention of Trump World Tower

President Donald Trump told the United Nations on Monday that he sees “great potential” in it and its reform effort, just as the real estate mogul said he saw in his Manhattan skyscraper, Trump World Tower, located across the street from the U.N. headquarters.

Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., introduced the president at a session on reforming the United Nations at the U.N. General Assembly in New York with a nod to his success as a businessman.

Story Continued Below “It is now my honor to introduce someone who is no stranger to change. Donald Trump has a businessman’s eye for seeing potential, and he sees great potential — not just in the reform movement but in the United Nations itself,” Haley said. “He shares your commitment to creating a more effective advocate for peace, security and human rights. We are deeply grateful he has taken the time to be with us today. Ladies and gentlemen, President Donald J. Trump.” Trump thanked Haley for the introduction and paused for a brief applause. “I actually saw great potential right across the street, to be honest with you,” the president said, referring to Trump WorldTower. “And it was only for the reason that the United Nations was here that that turned out to be such a successful project.” The president, who stayed overnight in Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue, spoke for four minutes, reading remarks endorsing U.N. Secretary General António Guterres’ reform effort and affirming America’s commitment to the U.N. “We support your efforts to look across the entire system and to find ways the United Nations can better and be better at development, management, peace and security,” Trump said.

As he exited the U.N., the president suggested his message to the General Assembly will be similar to his message to the American people during the 2016 campaign. The president will deliver a U.N. address on Tuesday. “I think the main message is ‘Make the United Nations Great,’” said Trump, whose campaign slogan was “Make America Great Again.” “Not again. ‘Make the United Nations Great.’”
